195 - Interesting Things: Ketchup was a Medicine PodcastHistorySocialScience Feb 27 Written By JC Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine, it was later commercialized as a condiment. Did you know ketchup also has alleged values beyond condiment status today? 195 Interesting Things - Ketchup was a Medicine JC Download KetchupmedicinecondimentHeinzCookeBennettlycopenehistorypodcastmedicinalsnakeoil1850sinterestingthingspodcasting JC https://jimconnors.org
195 - Interesting Things: Ketchup was a Medicine PodcastHistorySocialScience Feb 27 Written By JC Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine, it was later commercialized as a condiment. Did you know ketchup also has alleged values beyond condiment status today? 195 Interesting Things - Ketchup was a Medicine JC Download KetchupmedicinecondimentHeinzCookeBennettlycopenehistorypodcastmedicinalsnakeoil1850sinterestingthingspodcasting JC https://jimconnors.org