A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

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Review of Interesting Things with JC by the UK Legend John Ryan.

Podcast, Science JC Podcast, Science JC

273: "Bald Eagles Nest"

Interesting Things with JC #273: "Bald Eagles Nest" can be spotted from a distance due to its large size. When it comes to nest size, the Bald Eagle holds the world’s record as the largest tree nest ever recorded, not only for a bird but also for any animal.

The largest Bald Eagle nest on record was in St. Petersburg, Florida. It was 10 feet in diameter and 20 feet tall!

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Science, Podcast, History JC Science, Podcast, History JC

220: "The Great Auk"

Interesting Things with JC #220: "The Great Auk" - While the Great Auk wasn't technically a penguin, it certainly looked like one, and in fact, it was the first bird to be loosely called a penguin. One significant difference, is that true penguins are restricted to the southern hemisphere, especially the fringes of Antarctica. The Great Auk lived along the farthest reaches of the northern Atlantic Ocean.

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