A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

Our podcast series is open for royalty-free fair use.

  • If you intend to feature the series on your podcast or use it in your broadcast feed as interstitial content, please tag us on social media or send us an email.

  • This tagging or email notification assists us in promoting your work effectively.

  • The podcast is currently in common carriage on the Podcast Radio Network.

  • Episodes vary in duration from 30 seconds to 8 minutes.

  • All episodes are royalty-free except for #509.

If you have an idea for an episode, please reach out to our team, and we'll happily schedule the topic for a future recording. Priority is given to home-schooling parents, teachers, educators, and lifelong learning professionals.

Podcast, Social, Science JC Podcast, Social, Science JC

047: "Eternal Flame Falls"

Interesting Things with JC #047: "Eternal Flame Falls" - Venture into the stunning landscape of Chestnut Ridge Park, New York, to experience Eternal Flame Falls, where a unique natural gas seep ignites a flame right behind a flowing waterfall. It's one of the world's most unusual natural wonders.

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Science, Podcast JC Science, Podcast JC

712: "SLOTHS: Breath Holding Wonders"

Interesting Things with JC #712: "SLOTHS: Breath Holding Wonders" - Discover the astonishing breath-holding abilities of sloths! Learn about their unique respiratory adaptations and how they can stay submerged for up to 40 minutes. Unveil the secrets of these remarkable creatures!

Thank you to Elizabeth G. for today's topic!

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