1207: "Mystery of the Twelfth Imam"

Interesting Things with JC #1207: "Mystery of the Twelfth Imam" - One of the greatest mysteries in Islamic history—did the Twelfth Imam truly disappear, or is he waiting to return? For over a thousand years, this belief has shaped religious movements, political structures, and global conflicts.

Please note: I’ve done my best to pronounce all names as accurately as possible. If I’ve mispronounced anything, I sincerely apologize in advance and appreciate your understanding.

Ref - Shabbar, S.M.R. (n.d.). The Twelfth Imam, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (Al-Mahdi-Sahibuz-Zaman). Al-Islam.org. Retrieved from https://www.al-islam.org/story-holy-kaaba-and-its-people-smr-shabbar/twelfth-imam-muhammad-ibn-al-hasan-al-mahdi-sahibuz


1208: "The Eye on the Back of the US Dollar"


1206: “What Is a Topoconductor and Why Does It Matter?”