A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

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  • The podcast is currently in common carriage on the Podcast Radio Network.

  • Episodes vary in duration from 30 seconds to 8 minutes.

  • All episodes are royalty-free except for #509.

If you have an idea for an episode, please reach out to our team, and we'll happily schedule the topic for a future recording. Priority is given to home-schooling parents, teachers, educators, and lifelong learning professionals.

History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

049: "The Story Behind Christopher Cross's 'Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)'"

Interesting Things with JC #049: "The Story Behind Christopher Cross's 'Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)'" - Discover how Christopher Cross's iconic song "Arthur's Theme" became a defining track of the early '80s, capturing the spirit of the film *Arthur*. This episode explores the collaboration with music legends that led to its Billboard success and Academy Award win, cementing its place in pop culture.

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History, Podcast, Social, Science JC History, Podcast, Social, Science JC

048: "Sparkling Wine - A Tale of French and English Innovations"

Interesting Things with JC #048: "Sparkling Wine - A Tale of French and English Innovations" - Journey through the effervescent history of sparkling wine, from the legendary cellars of Dom Pérignon to the scientific studies of Christopher Merrett. Unravel the contributions of both French and English pioneers, who each played crucial roles in developing the techniques that give sparkling wine its signature bubbles.

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History, Podcast, Social, Science JC History, Podcast, Social, Science JC

045: "Gridiron Pendulum"

Interesting Things with JC #045: "Gridiron Pendulum" - An innovative clock pendulum invented by John Harrison and improved by John Ellicott in the early 18th century. This clever design used different metals to maintain a constant pendulum length despite temperature changes, revolutionizing timekeeping in an era when precision was paramount.

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041: "British Sayings"

Interesting Things with JC #041: "British Sayings" - Step into the whimsical world of British slang where phrases like "Bob's your uncle" and "throwing a spanner in the works" add color and humor to everyday conversations. Whether baffling or endearing, these sayings are a key to understanding the linguistic charm of British English.

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History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

040: "Yorkshire Pudding"

Interesting Things with JC #040: "Yorkshire Pudding" - A British Culinary Tradition. Join us as we delve into the delightful world of Yorkshire pudding, a cornerstone of British culinary heritage. From its humble beginnings in the 18th century to its status as a Sunday roast essential, this episode explores how Yorkshire pudding has filled the plates and hearts of many.

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History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

039: "Beefeaters: Guardians of the Tower of London"

Interesting Things with JC #039: "Beefeaters: Guardians of the Tower of London" - Explore the fascinating world of the Yeomen Warders, known globally as Beefeaters, who have stood guard over the Tower of London since the 15th century. This episode delves into their historical duties, the requirements to become a Beefeater, and their ongoing contribution to British cultural heritage, offering listeners a glimpse into one of the UK's most enduring symbols.

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History, Social, Podcast JC History, Social, Podcast JC

037: "The Union of Crowns and the Transformation of the Royal Arms"

Interesting Things with JC #037: "The Union of Crowns and the Transformation of the Royal Arms" - In 1603, James VI of Scotland also became James I of England, a union that dramatically altered the Royal Arms by introducing the English lion alongside the Scottish unicorn. This update symbolized the merging of Scottish and English sovereignty under a single monarch, reflecting the efforts to forge political unity and a shared national identity. While the visual representation of the Royal Arms aimed to communicate unity, the actual political integration of the two nations faced significant challenges, leading to a complex and storied journey towards a more unified kingdom.

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History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

036: "Indian Cuisine Influence in London"

Interesting Things with JC #036: "Indian Cuisine Influence in London" - Explore how London became a hub for Indian cuisine, boasting over 2,000 restaurants that offer an extensive range of dishes from across the Indian subcontinent. Learn about the historical waves of migration that introduced and popularized Indian culinary traditions in the UK, leading to beloved dishes like chicken tikka masala, humorously dubbed as "a true British national dish."

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