A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

Our podcast series is open for royalty-free fair use.

  • If you intend to feature the series on your podcast or use it in your broadcast feed as interstitial content, please tag us on social media or send us an email.

  • This tagging or email notification assists us in promoting your work effectively.

  • The podcast is currently in common carriage on the Podcast Radio Network.

  • Episodes vary in duration from 30 seconds to 8 minutes.

  • All episodes are royalty-free except for #509.

If you have an idea for an episode, please reach out to our team, and we'll happily schedule the topic for a future recording. Priority is given to home-schooling parents, teachers, educators, and lifelong learning professionals.

762: "Genetic Breakthrough"

Interesting Things with JC #762: "Genetic Breakthrough" - Scientists have unlocked the secrets of the Y chromosome, revealing its pivotal role in human DNA. This groundbreaking discovery offers insights into reproduction, evolution, and health, with potential implications in infertility research and disease diagnosis.

Ref - Rhie, A., Nurk, S., Cechova, M. et al. The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome. Nature (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06457-y

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