A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

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Review of Interesting Things with JC by the UK Legend John Ryan.

News, History, Podcast, Science JC News, History, Podcast, Science JC

236: "Locked-in Syndrome and the Miracle Microchip"

Interesting Things with JC #236: "Locked-in Syndrome and the Miracle Microchip”. Locked-in Syndrome is a rare neurological disorder characterized by complete paralysis of voluntary muscles in all parts of the body except for those that control eye movement. Emerging technology provides a brain-computer interface to help people who are locked-in communicate freely again.

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Podcast, Science JC Podcast, Science JC

150 Interesting Things - Hazel Eyes

Hazel is one of the rarest eye colors, Only 5% of people have Hazel Eyes. They're more frequent in people from Brazil, Europe, North Africa and Spain. People with blue eyes make up 8-10% of the world's population, while brown eyes account for 79%. Hazel is actually not a true color by itself!

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