A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

Our podcast series is open for royalty-free fair use.

  • If you intend to feature the series on your podcast or use it in your broadcast feed as interstitial content, please tag us on social media or send us an email.

  • This tagging or email notification assists us in promoting your work effectively.

  • The podcast is currently in common carriage on the Podcast Radio Network.

  • Episodes vary in duration from 30 seconds to 8 minutes.

  • All episodes are royalty-free except for #509.

If you have an idea for an episode, please reach out to our team, and we'll happily schedule the topic for a future recording. Priority is given to home-schooling parents, teachers, educators, and lifelong learning professionals.

History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

028: "A British Love Story: Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton"

Interesting Things with JC #028: "A British Love Story: Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton" - Explore the captivating and stormy relationship between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, whose love story is among the most famous in Hollywood history.

Their affair began on the set of "Cleopatra," leading to two marriages filled with extravagant gifts, dramatic public moments, and intense personal struggles.

Despite their eventual separations, their deep connection and the impact of their relationship on both their lives and careers left a lasting mark on the world.

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History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

928: "John Singleton"

Interesting Things with JC #928: "John Singleton" - John Singleton's groundbreaking nominations for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay at the 1992 Academy Awards marked a significant moment in cinematic history. His achievements paved the way for greater diversity and representation in the film industry, inspiring generations of filmmakers.

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History, News, Podcast, Science, Social JC History, News, Podcast, Science, Social JC

815: "Ed Gein: The Real-Life Inspiration Behind The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"

Interesting Things with JC #815: "Ed Gein: The Real-Life Inspiration Behind The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" - Dive into the eerie connection between Ed Gein's horrific crimes and the iconic horror film, revealing the dark truths behind this chilling inspiration for Leatherface and the macabre family. Explore the real horror that influenced reel terror.

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