A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

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Review of Interesting Things with JC by the UK Legend John Ryan.

Podcast, History, Social JC Podcast, History, Social JC

253: "Lamb vs Mutton"

Interesting Things with JC #253: "Lamb vs Mutton". Both are domestic sheep, just at different times of their life cycles. Lamb is a sheep that is typically less than 1 year old. Mutton refers to an adult sheep that is over one year old, but preferably 3 years of age. Lamb is popular premium meat in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. In remote parts of the world, thin strips of fatty mutton can be cut into a substitute for bacon, called macon.

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Podcast, Science JC Podcast, Science JC

217: "Spring Equinox"

Interesting Things with JC #217: "Spring Equinox" - On the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, the direct rays of the Sun are shining down on the equator producing the effect of equal day and night. After the vernal equinox, the direct rays of the Sun migrate north of the Equator, as the earth slowly tilts.

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209 - Interesting Things: Daylight Savings & William Willet

Countries to the north and south of the tropics, see sunrise much earlier and sunsets much later in summer, than these regions do in winter. On most farms, this isn't a problem. People and animals just shift their habits as the hours of daylight shift. In most cities, the amount of energy used to make artificial light and heat becomes costly, if they don't shift their routines. This is where William Willett, the godfather of Daylight Savings comes in.

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