A Short Story Podcast Series

Interesting Things with JC

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Review of Interesting Things with JC by the UK Legend John Ryan.

History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

1207: "Mystery of the Twelfth Imam"

Interesting Things with JC #1207: "Mystery of the Twelfth Imam" - One of the greatest mysteries in Islamic history—did the Twelfth Imam truly disappear, or is he waiting to return? For over a thousand years, this belief has shaped religious movements, political structures, and global conflicts.

Please note: I’ve done my best to pronounce all names as accurately as possible. If I’ve mispronounced anything, I sincerely apologize in advance and appreciate your understanding.

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1204: “Eastern Air Lines Flight 304 – The Tragedy Over Lake Pontchartrain”

Interesting Things with JC #1204: “Eastern Air Lines Flight 304 – The Tragedy Over Lake Pontchartrain” - Nine minutes after takeoff, Flight 304 vanished over Lake Pontchartrain. No warning. No survivors. Investigators found wreckage but no definitive cause. Could an instrument failure have sent the pilots into a deadly spiral? The mystery remains, but its lessons shaped the future of aviation.

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History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

1198: "IWO JIMA"

Interesting Things with JC #1198: "IWO JIMA" – The brutal battle for 8 square miles of volcanic rock forged legends. 70,000 U.S. Marines met hell—21,000 Japanese defenders refused surrender. 27 Medals of Honor for bravery—the most in any battle in U.S. history. Valor, sacrifice, and the flag atop Mount Suribachi became immortal.

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History, Podcast, Social JC History, Podcast, Social JC

1197: "The 133rd Seabees – Built on Sacrifice, Deserving of Honor"

Interesting Things with JC #1197: "The 133rd Seabees – Built on Sacrifice, Deserving of Honor" – Seabees of the 133rd were memorialized by their shipmates through the dedication of a chapel on Iwo Jima.

They gave their lives in service and never came home.

Their names are engraved on the chapel’s plaque, but their unit was not included in the Presidential Unit Citation awarded to those they fought beside. This episode reflects on their sacrifice and asks that their service be fully recognized.

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History, Podcast, Science, Social JC History, Podcast, Science, Social JC

1196: "Skara Brae"

Interesting Things with JC #1196: "Skara Brae" – A deadly storm in 1850 ripped the land open—and revealed a Neolithic village older than Stonehenge. Skara Brae’s stone homes, beds, and even toilets lay untouched for 5,000 years. But the same sea that unearthed it now threatens to wipe it away forever.

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