1216 "American Shipbuilding"

Interesting Things with JC #1216 "American Shipbuilding" - From colonial frigates to nuclear-powered carriers US shipbuilding shaped history. But decades of decline left the nation reliant on foreign-built ships until now.

Ref - Schank, J. F., Arena, M. V., Riposo, J., Price, R., Grammich, C. A., & Savitz, S. (2005). The U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry: National security implications and solutions for revitalization. CNA Corporation. Retrieved from https://www.cna.org/archive/CNA_Files/pdf/d0006988.a1.pdf

Williams, L. C., & Peniston, B. (2025, March 5). Weld, baby, weld: White House to create an 'office of shipbuilding'. Defense One. Retrieved from https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2025/03/weld-baby-weld-white-house-create-office-shipbuilding/403482/


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